Driving Licence in France

What are French rules concerning driving licences? ​
Blog - driving licence in France


Taking your driving test in France 

In France, it is possible to take your driving licence test from 18 years old upwards. Before that, from the age of 15, it is possible to do “Apprentissage Anticipé de la Conduite”. This is better known as “Conduite Accompagnée”. It allows supervised driving until the person is of the age for taking the driving licence test. It involves passing the “Code”, an exam on driving regulations, and practical driving lessons with a registered driving school.  

To take the actual driving licence test, passing the “Code” is required and a minimum of 20 hours driving lessons with a registered driving school are required. You can then take the test to assess driving capability.  

Once obtained, the French driving licence is valid for 15 years and will have to be renewed without test or medical check-up, just by filling in an admin form and providing current address and photo. If you have a particular category of driving licence (lorry, motorbike, etc.) that is valid for a certain number of years then you may need to re-take a test in the meantime depending on its validity. 

The French driving licence works with a point system : you have 12 points to begin with. If you commit a traffic offense, you will be fined and lose a certain amount of points depending on the offense. If you lose all your points, you will no longer have a valid driving licence or the right to drive in France. You can find more information here. 


I have a foreign driving licence 

Depending on where your driving licence was issued and your residency situation in France, the rules are different. Here are the main cases. 


European driving licence (EU or EEA) or UK before January 2021

You can drive with this licence if you are over 18, respect any medical obligations mentioned on the licence (for example wearing glasses, etc.), if it is still valid and you have not been sanctioned by a suspension, restriction or cancelation of your right to drive in the country of issue of the license and have not obtained your license during a period when you were prohibited from applying for a driving license in France.

If you are a French resident, you will have to apply for a licence exchange. This will be when yours is no longer valid, if you lose it, if it is stolen or deteriorated. It is recommended to start this application 6 months before your licence expires. You will also have to echange it if you are applying for a new category of licence or commit a traffic offence in France resulting in the loss, restriction, suspension or cancellation of your foreign licence. 


Post-Brexit driving licence

If your driving licence was issued after the 1st of January 2021 things are different. If you are planning to stay in France over a year, you will have to exchange it for a French one within the first year of residency.


Driving licence issued in another country, temporary stay in France (studies or short stay)

You can drive in France with your foreign driving licence. But note it must be in French or translated by a certified translator. If you are in France for your studies, you must have a valid residence permit.


 Driving licence issued in another country, permanent residency

You must exchange your driving licence within the year after obtaining your residence permit. Not all driving licences are exchangeable, check if yours is here. If you cannot exchange it, you will have to take the French driving test. 



Exchanging my driving licence for a French one 

If you need to exchange your driving licence for a French one, you must do this via the ANTS website (Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés). There should be no cost when asking for a standard exchange. Once you have completed the demand, it can take months before you receive your French driving licence. In the meantime, you can still use your foreign driving licence as long as it is valid. When you send the original you will be given a document proving you have the right to drive and this will be valid 4 months. you can use this, time to receive your French driving licence. 

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