Buying or selling a car in France

You live in France and would like to buy or sell a car? Wondering what are the admin obligations for car owners? Here are the main guidelines.


Buying a car in France 

If you have found a car you would like to buy in France, here are the main guidelines to do so.

You will need the following paperwork, provided by the seller :

  • The “Carte Grise” (registration document) : this must be crossed out with the date and time of the sale.
  • The “Certificat de Cession”: this is the document with the details of the sale, information of seller and buyer. It must be completed in two copies, one for the buyer and one for the seller.
  • The “Certificat de situation administrative”, less than 15 days old: this the document gives you information about the administrative situation of the car (including the fact the car is not reported as stolen, etc.).
  • A copy of the “Contrôle Technique” (French MOT), which must be less than 6 months old.

Once you have bought the car and have all the relevant paperwork, you must
register the sale on the ANTS (Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés) website. You have a month to do this. Normally, the seller will register the sale on that platform and will give you a “Code de Cession”. Once you have this, it’ll be easier to register your new car.

Also, don’t forget to insure your new car immediately, ideally the day you buy it.


Selling a car in France

If you are selling a car in France, you’ll need to provide the documents listed above to the buyer.

Once the sale is done, you must register it on the ANTS (Agence Nationale des Titres Sécurisés) website.

When you have sold your car, do not forget to inform your insurance to cancel your policy. They will need a copy of the “Certificat de cession” as proof it has been sold.


Car owners obligations in France

As a car owner in France, and to drive this car, there are a few requirements.

  • Your car must be insured;
  • Your Carte Grise (registration document) must be up to date;
  • Your “Contrôle Technique” (MOT) must be up to date;
  • Your car must be in a “good state” : your tyres mustn’t be worn out, your lights must work, etc.
  • You must have a valid driving licence to drive a car in France.
If you are planning on buying or selling a car in France and need help with this, give us call or shoot us an email !

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